Our responsibilities and commitments

The objective of our distilleries is to treat the products and by-products of the vine, which constitute for the most part waste with a strong environmental impact. Grape marc and processed wine lees are transformed into a wide range of products that supply the food, industrial and wine markets.

Environnmental impact

Our distilleries implement processes that contribute positively to everyday life with the:

  • reduction of chemical oxygen demand (COD) of its waste
  • reduction of greenhouse gases by the production of biofuels
  • reduction of CO2 emissions and consumption of fossil fuels by self-managing 50% of our energy needs and by our biofuel production activity
  • production of clean energy (ex: photovoltaic panels)
  • recycling 50% of the volume of water we consume
  • return to the soil of organic amendments

Circular economy

The very essence of our group’s activities adheres to a circular economy model. The materials collected from our winegrowers allow us to develop products that may then be used in their vineyards but also in the context of winemaking.

Our local presence allows short distances.

circular economy distillery, circular economy market

Life cycle analysis

A real asset for the wine world.

In contrast to manuring, composting and biogas production, UDM values by-products from viticulture and has a positive impact on four fundamental indicators *:

  • human health
  • quality of ecosystems
  • climate change
  • resources

* Study conducted in 2013 by France AGRIMER, the Institut Français de la vigne under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-Food and Forestry.

Corporate social responsibility

Sustainable Development

UDM’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility: a coherent and visionary shift.

In the medium- and long-term, our goal is to become a model in the implementation of a sustainable development policy: Think globally, act locally.

Approach based on 3 major pillars:

  • Environment (photovoltaic, biofuel, biomass boiler …)
  • Economy (waste recovery, cooperative model, customer service …).
  • Social (transversal management, pooling of skills around steering working groups …).

To unite and involve everyone on a daily basis is a key objective of the advancement and success of our CSR approach.